IT Policies

Review Process

IT Governance is used for KU IT Policy approval, and for the regular review cycle for official KU IT Policies. We are currently using a temporary process for our IT policy reviews, while concurrently developing an overall IT Policy Administration framework, based on best practices from peer institutions. More detailed information on this new framework will be posted once approved. Efforts are underway to group Policies together in review, as many Policies reference, or are associated with other Policies. We are also considering criteria for what needs to be an official Policy, or what could be an official Guideline or Standard.

The current process follows a similar process as IT Projects. Existing IT Policies will be selected for review based on their last date of review or approval. These Policies are then reviewed and updated by IT staff, the Policy owner, IT Security, and campus constituents. While still in draft, the Policy is distributed to the Service Councils for public comment and review. Feedback is discussed and incorporated into the Policy, and then submitted to the KU Policy Office for official review and approval. For more information on the official development and approval process, please see the KU Policy Office website.

Listing of all KU Information Technology policies can be found in the Policy Library at the KU Policy Office